Contact Us

Tel: (518) 854-3250

For Health + Agriculture related inquires on topics such as Food for Life classes, Empowered for Health events, the Taste + See Plant Powered Community Potluck, the Pick Your Own Healthcare Field or others


Address: 1055 County Route 30 Salem, NY 12865

Traveling either north or south on Route 22 you will come to Salem’s only traffic light. Turn west onto County Route 30. Drive 5 miles and you will see Gardenworks signs.

A Note to Vermont Travelers
Vermont Route 30 never connects with the road we're on which is New York County Route 30. Plenty of people assume the two are the same route, but they are not.


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STORE OPEN: Thursday thru Sunday 9am-5pm
STORE CLOSED: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Self-Serve UPICK Fields + Farm Stand
OPEN DAILY 7am-7pm - bring CASH
(please pay inside Thursday thru Sunday)

CHEESE + CAFÉ: OPEN June 21 thru October 12, Saturday & Sunday, 12 noon – 4pm

OPEN: Memorial, Labor, and Indigenous People Days, 9am-3pm

CLOSED: July 4, Thanksgiving & From December 25 until April
